As the ski season has come to an end, I can reflect on our first snowy season here in Rev and my 'o' my what accomplishments have been made by the Andrews'. I have finely had that memorable run with my son down the last spike with speed and confidence. While we stuck to the groomed parts Jeff would disappear in out of the glades and meet up with us by popping on and off the runs.
My abilities and practise has led me to acheiving some blue runs....a big thanks to my mommy friends (Philo and Lisa) for their kind words and encouragements on hitting up feller buncher. To find an activity that our family loves to do together is priceless. To watch the skillz of my hubby and the rising confidence of my son has made me so feel very happy. I myself have followed my guys down the mountain, hitting jumps and getting air and the thrill was so worth the extra push to make this family sport happen for all of us.

The bright future of all four of us hitting the slopes in years to come make me excited to see what skillz this wee girl of ours has. We have one child that is and probably always will keep inside the box of comfort, however our other little one knows no boundrys. I see visions of hucking her meat right after dad in her future! With ease and style because she is all girl regardless of her spunky attitude and brillient determination she has the natural abilitiy to do it, it will just be while wearing lots of pink!
The last weekend of skiing was by far the most cherrished as we had an old friend from Ontario, Ian Bull out here with us! Even though we wern't out as a family it was a big blurry few days of skiing, biking, dinners and drinks all wrapped up with a campfire, a fantastic way to spend the last days of the season!
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