We were sent down the road a little further west on the Trans 1. Our first impression of high cliffs adorned with green foliage with mountain stone speckled throughout. Once we made pleasantries with the owner ( a fellow Ontarian actually a Hamiltonian) by pleasantries i mean a question and answer period as most people want to know about the folks with the two kids and uhaul. our who we are banter we had down pat and this time around it was quite fruitful.
our view from our campground
Our little lady getting in and out on her own now.....geeesh
Just so happens that this friendly stranger has many connections in Rev...one being her son, who hooked us with an apartment in town, work contacts....all within 4 hrs. We had a roof over our heads and employment and we were taking our trailer down as fast as we put it up.(thank goodness as it rained for the first 2-3 weeks)
This amazing feeling of being in the right place at the right time was present as well as our first of many rainbows, double rainbows at that. Writing this now as I am thinking back, the pattern for good things happening to this family upon a rainbow sighting is a pattern. Is Revelstoke for us.........I think so!
Such a quaint small town where Caleb's school is actually called Mountain View. We are tucked right between two ranges of the Monashee and the Selkirk. I love answering the question of "how close are the Mountains?" As they are in arms reach, I welcome the small drifts of clouds that join me throughout the day as I wonder around the town. We have only been here for a small amount of time our days have turned into weeks so fast and it feels good. As I have been enjoying my time with the kids, our time has been filled quickly with new friends, playdates, coffee chats, hot spring outings with new friends and evening out with great food and good drinks in the company of wonderful people. Even though it seems to a smooth start in Rev my thoughts float back to Huntsville often in the last few days. There is a price to live in these pristine conditions and you pay in realistate.....lol Our humble abode (meaning tiny apartment) is the feeling of old days of college but this time doing it with our kids and dog and cat. Which makes a backyard like our only more desirable to be in.

Our backyard has my handsome hubby on Mt. McPherson for the last few weekends mountain biking with some play hard types. The ones who enjoy that burn in the thigh and driving and chucking themselves up trails over trees and handle bars just for the thrill of going down....fast! The biking hazards can get severe as I have seen a smashed shins that have bruising all the way around. the sense of security came for Caleb this past weekend as his ski pass was ready and he got his picture taken with the standard thumbs up pose. The first looks as we walk out the back door each morning is to measure by eye how much snow is lieing atop Mt. Begbie and how far the line comes down.
In a community of kindness, happiness and peace it is not uncommon for strangers to smile at one another and say good day or soon to be giday...as the ozzies are coming as fast as the snowline appears. our friendly little man fits right in as his song is heard every morning while riding our bikes to school. And bless his honest little soul as I try to convince him to lock up his bike for safety. I look around and don't see a bike that has been locked. Could this be the perfect community where the patrons of this town rely on honesty as the best policy. In the mind of a 6 yr old his response to me is......."
I will just leave my helmet on the my bike, then someone will know it belongs to someone else"
The logic that this one old soul has showed me is what true kindness he is made of. We saw another rainbow today........more good things to come for this family:)
A trip to Revelstoke Nat. Park a long and zigzaggy road....beautiful views!
A picture of a picture of Mt Revelstoke....lol
We saw the salmon run here in this creek.
My sweet little man
This is our neighbour at the back of our apartment, 
she does all her own gardening and landscaping and gave us some wine grapes....Caleb looks so thrilled until he tasted them....which we held off until we were down the road, as we knew his response would be of the dramatic sort....lol
she does all her own gardening and landscaping and gave us some wine grapes....Caleb looks so thrilled until he tasted them....which we held off until we were down the road, as we knew his response would be of the dramatic sort....lol
RMR gondie, this picture was taken in October, it now shows lots of snow here....just waiting for opening day:)
Here AGAIN is Mt Begbie, one of mt favorite pictures with our Country's flag
Side note: The time between writing this blog and posting this blog has been about a month and lots new things have come our way.......first off on a not so good note ...Caleb's bike did get stolen from school hard lesson there, it was also returned to the school bent and broken.....grrrrr
Ending on a high note we bought a small abode to call our own....a good start to our new lives here and we move in Dec 1st........and I will try to keep my blogs closer together as it is hard to remember everything as time passes so fast..........and the holidays are around the corner.